Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sounds of my Film 2.0

(I know, I'm not very creative when it comes to blog titles)

Okay, so my film is nearly complete! woooo!! 😄

I talked to my teacher and she made it very clear that it cannot be over two minutes, but we settled on cutting it down 2:03 minutes. Hopefully, the additional three seconds won't negatively affect my grade.

I now need to focus on the music part. I talked about using an audio clip called Ectoplasm in one of my initial blogs. Initially, when I started putting together all the shots, I didn't think it would sound good but when I added it, I felt that it really went well with the vibe of the film. I still haven't figured out how to upload an audio clip here, but if I do, I'll definitely post it here. I like the way Ectoplasm sounds and I'm glad I found that music early on in this process so I didn't have to worry too much about music.

The only thing remaining now is the crescendo foreshadowing the climax of my film. Two of my highly musically talented friends have agreed to compose that part for me! Since I finished my video last night, I'm going to send it to them today. The thing that worries me about this is that my video is due in exactly a week and I'm not sure if they have enough time to create something. Preferably, I'd want the music ready by Friday (04/07) so I have some buffering time between that and the day the project is due. I'm going to leave some room for error, although I really hope I don't need it.

I'm also going to try and find some audio clips of crescendos online, just to be safe. If things don't go the way I've planned, I want to be able to have a backup. I found two websites (one and two) that seem pretty good and have royalty-free music and I will got through them all, when I get home tonight.

The Ectoplasm part gels really well with the entire video but I'm afraid the crescendo part might not. My friends are going to watch my video and then create something. They will be making something more personalized for me, but finding the right audio online will be a challenge. Let's hope they have enough time to make something brilliant for me so I don't have to worry too much about it!

I need to start thinking about my creative critical reflection (CCR) now!

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